Making a horror film – W3D5

Oct 3, 2015

Today is Friday October 2nd.

For the last two days our challenge was to create and complete our own challenge.
We brainstormed and came up with many ideas. We discussed our options and shared opinions. We eventually came to a group consensus to make a horror film.

We set out and gathered our camping gear, so we could film scenes in the forest at night. We hiked until we found a great spot to set up, but were unaware of the rules/guidelines that requested us not to be out on a challenge overnight without two staff members.

So, once we got there, we filmed a few day scenes and packed up and headed back to camp. Filming this horror film was difficult, some of us lost interest, fell asleep or couldn’t keep a straight face. After lots of work, and support with a gentle but firm hand from our phenomenal director and videographer Joey Phelps we sat down and discussed why we’re doing this and what it means to each of us to complete this challenge.

Eventually, we got it together and put a lot of effort in. I learned how important it is that when doing something as group everyone has to be on there own terms into it and passionate about the product as well as the journey. Though it may have been tough, I am proud of what we accomplished and grateful for the experience; it was overall educational and fun.


[Watch the Film Here: ]

1 comment

  1. Comment by Becky Betts

    Becky Betts Oct 4, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    Great film! When is it coming to the big screen?

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