Over the course of the last 30 hours or so, I’ve done probably one of my least successful “challenges.” The reason I say this is because I decided to do a “two-part” challenge, and it didn’t really work out the way I hoped it would. For day 1, I embarked on a math journey. My goal was to try to learn as much math as I could in the two days. However, I was reminded how my brain likes math in small doses, and I told my self I was going to use my “1-time adventure semester challenge bail.” I decided to instead become Eric’s (my challenge leader) “deep-frying apprentice”, where I would try and learn as much as I could about deep frying from the fry master himself. I ended up learning how to make donut holes and ate some state-fair status deep-fried mac and cheese. I had fun working with Eric on his frying endeavors, but I think that it would have been better to either stick with the math thing, or start from the beginning doing the deep frying because I didn’t really get much of a 2-day challenge feel due to the fracturing of the challenge goal.
I did however get to work with Eric, and I refreshed some of my math skills and got some perspective on where I’m at in the realm of mathematics. And I also am less scared of boiling oil than I was before, so I definitely got good experiences out of my cracked challenge, however I think that I could have learned more if I had chosen 1 subject to focus on to really get the most out of the fact that this was a 2 dayer.
As this Adventure Semester draws to a close, I am in reflection of all the great things I’ve had the fortune to do over the last 59 days. In the end, I think that improving math skills and cooking up some LDL were pretty fun and rewarding to do, though as previously stated I think that I didn’t get the most out of the 2 day opportunity. I don’t want to give the wrong message here – I had a great time carrying out these 2 days, and I have been given perspective and skills I will hopefully carry with me for at least a few months. I had a good time doing this adventure, and I’m glad I made the mistake of of breaking up a 2 day challenge now, as opposed to the last 2 days on the semester. Overall, it’s been a good challenge. :)