
Articles from this Tag

HONY in Boulder – W10D4 by Katie B.

For our last challenge of the Adventure Semester, Midge and I were challenged to… Wait. No. We didn’t know what our challenge was. Let’s start over. This morning, Blake told us to get into his car and then he blindfolded us. We drove for roughly 40 minutes, and finally got out, took off our blindfolds […]

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Create a Life in Denver – W10D3D by Ben

Solo living in a big city is not as scary as it sounds. Of course, there are going to be scary situations, as we experienced these past three days, but once you get your bearings and understand how to react, things get easy. These past few days, we were given the challenge of creating a […]

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Guesswork Cooking – W9D2 by Midge

For the self designed challenge we each took a different outlook on cook crew. Instead of choosing something challenging to make, I chose a difficult way of doing it. I personally have a very hard time with obsessing over making everything perfect; I can’t stand if it’s 1.1 or 0.9 cups, it has to be […]

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Yearbook Club – W8D5C by Ben

Self-designed challenges historically do not go smoothly. They typically have little to no oversight from staff, and give a strong sense of being stranded in the open ocean without a life vest. Historically, but not this time. Our group was efficient and our challenge divvied up equally, based on each persons’ strength. Not much could […]

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The Engineering Challenge – W8D2C by Jack

The group for this 2-day challenge was small, with only me (Jack), Midge, and Oscar, or as Addison called us: The Dream Team. Before Addison told us our specific challenge, he told us the reason behind it: simplicity. A simple, yet difficult problem, with a not-so-simple solution. Our challenge? Move a 5,000 pound rock 5 feet. […]

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Intensive Feedback – W7D4A by Midge and Sage

In the immortal words of Midge Field, “I had heard the word lit before, but I never truly understood the meaning of it.” Today we learned. We began our challenge the night before when we sat down with Ari in The Spare Oom to discuss the trials and tribulations that we would face the next […]

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Perseverance – W7D2A by Max A. and Max C.

Today six unschoolers completed six different challenges, with one unifying goal: to learn to persevere. Each of these challenges was narrow in scope enough to stress repetition, yet much variety existed. Some challenge involved a repetition of simple task. Oscar focused on learning how to juggle, a skill he found quite difficult to master. Max […]

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Emails – W7D1A by Catherine (ft. Oscar)

Hello Reader, My name is Catherine Canann. I am a participant in the U.A. Adventure Semester. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. As you know, every day we have a unique challenge. Today, that challenge was to write emails to strangers in Denver who we would like to connect with, […]

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College! – W6D5B by Lily

Hello homeschoolers, unschoolers, so on and so forth! Today is day 5 of week 6 of the UA Adventure Semester, and today, I believe, we took an important step in our lives – we spent the day visiting Western State Colorado University. Now, I know some of you may be considering skipping college, living your […]

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Listening – W6D3B by Spencer

Today my group and I were with the excellent Dev. Our adventure today was to talk with locals in Crested Butte about social issues and genuinely listen to their opinions without inflicting our own biases or trying to “fix” them. We started the day out with going to the bus stop for a short, but […]

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