
Articles from this Tag

Create a Life in Denver – W10D3B by Gabriella

Our adventures lasted for 60 hours in Denver, Colorado. Despite cold winds, long bus rides, and terrible directions, we persevered out into the city to explore. We focused on jobs and authentic cuisine for the first day. While Joel, Micayla, and I were going to a modeling call, Catherine and Jack went to a job interview […]

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Slam Poetry – W9D2 by Catherine

Hello, For the past two days I challenged myself to write spoken word poetry. The experience was phenomenal. I feel inspired, motivated, capable, knowledgeable, and empowered. However, that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to tell you about how difficult this was. I set out writing passionate poetry filled with zest, feeling, […]

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Locked In – W8D5B by Seraya

Imagine being locked in small room with three other people for 36 hours with no electronics, no way to tell the time, and no connection to the outside world. Imagine the strange topics or thoughts that one’s mind can come up with in a situation like that. Imagine the little things that you don’t normally […]

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Eat It, Landfills – W8D2A by Lily G.

Food isn’t something most people think about. A lot of us wouldn’t consider ourselves to have a “relationship” with food, and many of us seem to ignore the value of it. We buy it, occasionally cook it, usually eat it. Usually? Yes, usually. Turns out, anywhere between a quarter and a third of the total […]

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My Journey with Physical, Mental and Emotional Health through the Lens of Food – W8D2A by Catherine

“People are fed by the Food industry, which pa ys no attention to Health, and are treated by the Health industry, which pays no attention to Food.” – Wendell Berry I feel that food is such a great subject for conversation because everyone can relate. Each and every individual has a journey with food and a story to tell. This is my […]

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Intensive Feedback – W7D4A by Midge and Sage

In the immortal words of Midge Field, “I had heard the word lit before, but I never truly understood the meaning of it.” Today we learned. We began our challenge the night before when we sat down with Ari in The Spare Oom to discuss the trials and tribulations that we would face the next […]

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Perseverance – W7D2A by Max A. and Max C.

Today six unschoolers completed six different challenges, with one unifying goal: to learn to persevere. Each of these challenges was narrow in scope enough to stress repetition, yet much variety existed. Some challenge involved a repetition of simple task. Oscar focused on learning how to juggle, a skill he found quite difficult to master. Max […]

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Emails – W7D1A by Catherine (ft. Oscar)

Hello Reader, My name is Catherine Canann. I am a participant in the U.A. Adventure Semester. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. As you know, every day we have a unique challenge. Today, that challenge was to write emails to strangers in Denver who we would like to connect with, […]

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Entrepreneurism – W6D5C by Ben

When starting a business, knowing your skills and how to market yourself is the biggest key to success. When you have a service that fulfills a need within the market, great things happen. That’s exactly what occurred today. We were required to produce a profitable small business with a loan of $20, and five hours. […]

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College! – W6D4C by Katie M.

“HELLO! Welcome to Western Colorado State University! We are a small liberal arts college in Gunnison, and we would love to have you as a student next year!” Today, our group toured and challenged ourselves to integrate into Western State University. We had to complete challenges such as crashing a lecture, touring a dorm, talking […]

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